EMBRACEHEALTHFOUNDATION REG CHARITY # 761546688 RR0001 EmbraceHealthFoundation.ca
Recommendation #1:
That the government funds and advances the immediate accessibility and integration of mental health resources, programs and mindfulness education inclusive of health and social supports relevant to children and youth in all accessible points of their daily lives, such as schools, recreation centers and all healthcare settings. That the government fund an online platform that is safe and accessible for children and youth.
Recommendation #2
That the government reviews the urgent need to support and fund innovation in mental health for children and youth and its hand in innovative philanthropy of the charitable sector. In consideration of the advanced role of the charitable sector and its influence and evolution in identifying and supporting core needs for individuals and society it is imperative it evolves to support new levels of innovation in the charitable sector.
Recommendation #3
That the government of Canada review the data and policy base at Embrace Health Foundation specific to advancing strategies and policy to support the rights of children and youth in areas of bullying and cyberbullying, hate and the stimuli that affect the self-esteem and health and wellness of children and youth in Canada.
Recommendation #1
That the government of Canada funds and supports the immediate need for integration of mental health resources, programs and mindfulness practices and social supports into all areas of the lives of children and youth such as school, healthcare and recreational settings. That the government of Canada considers funding an online platform that is safe and accessible to children and youth.
It is essential to address the stress and mental health presentations in the child and youth sector and support resources that foster an individualized level of wellness through stages of their developmental milestones. Education and resources to support children and youth in resilience building, stress management and mindfulness are essential at this time. Education and resources for bullying and cyberbullying, instruction on daily mindfulness practices and reflective practices through play or art and sports. Supportive education and resources to raise their wellness and commitment to lifelong mental health practices that they can access with support or independently with no referrals or waitlists. Providing accessibility and mainstreaming these resources in schools, community centers and organizations supports rapport and communication and inclusion and social accountability into their daily experiences. It is in prioritizing and normalizing these outlets and practices society advances wellness, reduces stress and expands social and health wellness opportunities for children and youth. A safe online platform for children and youth can reduce their stress and support their self-esteem and ongoing health and wellness by providing social experiences in safer domains.
Recommendation #2
That the government of Canada reviews the urgent need to support and fund innovation in mental health for children and youth and its hand in the philanthropy of the charitable sector. In consideration of the advanced role of the charitable sector and its influence and evolution in identifying and supporting core needs for individuals and society it is imperative that the mental health for children and youth evolves to support new levels of innovation in the charitable sector.
The charitable sector positions optimally as a synergy to support innovation that can support wellness. The presenting mental health crisis for children and youth can be advanced with innovation and philanthropy and solutions such as in disseminating mental health wellness for children and youth through formats important to them such as technology, new platforms, apps, books, and games that support their mental health wellness daily and allow them to develop social skills in safer domains. The interwoven benefit of charitable influence with innovation needs to be prioritized to advance the sector and the work of charities that are able to innovate to benefit the lives of children and youth needs to be supported.
Recommendation #3
That the government of Canada review the data and policy base at Embrace Health Foundation specific to advancing strategies and policy to support the rights of children and youth in areas of bullying and cyberbullying, hate, misinformation, disinformation and the various stimuli that affect the self-esteem and health and wellness of children and youth in Canada.
Children and youth have faced too many unprecedented challenges and their self-esteem is an integral facet to every part of their health and wellness. Embrace Health Foundation places a lens on the stimuli and impact that self-esteem has on the lives of children and youth daily. They have a right to develop and sustain the most adaptive self-esteem to support their health and wellness moving forward in their lives.
Embrace Health Foundation supports the self-esteem and mental health of children and youth. The self-esteem research and development at Embrace Health Foundation identifies key indicators and metrics that impact their health and wellbeing. Self-esteem is a disruptive indicator and is truly a pulse point in society. It is a viable indicator in health assessments for individuals and society. It is a brilliant focal point and when supported and studied it supports advancements in the health and wellness for children and youth. Advancing self-esteem research and development has brought insights on the human behavior and how society has built itself around understanding and utilizing self-esteem. Embrace Health Foundation has looked closer at these experiences and stimuli as they affect the health and wellbeing of children and youth.
The self-esteem of children and youth is an integral part of their mental, physical and psychological and social wellbeing. Prior to the pandemic the self-esteem indicators revealed excessive stimuli and stress for young individuals. Upon reviewing data, intra and post pandemic. There is an increase need to support this amazing facet of their health and wellness. Embrace Health Foundation raises the urgent need to support these young individuals and reduce their stress and build mindfulness and wellness into their everyday lives as a best practice in coping and resilience.
Embrace Health Foundation’s self-esteem research and development supports a vast data base that reflects the need to support self-awareness, self-reflection and capacity for self and others. The various indicators and stimuli have supported resources and outreach that resonates compassion for self and others. The resources and research are all reflective to inspire reflective capacities that support stress reduction, personal goals and creative expression. The self-esteem reflections advance an individual's unique positioning and ideations. Reflections have themes such as personal stress, mental health practices or bullying and even play and communication. The self-esteem assessment tool supports reflections that have no right or wrong influence but are a reflection of one's individuality and supports awareness for self-compassion and compassion for others.
Creative ways to develop mindfulness and self-expression are supported with reflections, journalling and self-awareness. Embrace Health Foundation has been an advocate for change and innovation in the charitable sector.
Innovative approaches have supported resources and the dissemination of data and early mindfulness strategies through resources and books. Although sitting in the domain of our innovation focus Embrace Health Innovations supports the upcoming development of technology for children and youth as one of our most amazing endeavors all with original links to the self-esteem research and development from Embrace Health Foundation where philanthropy can support innovation for an accelerated impact and a great cause.
Supporting innovations and charitable missions is a symbiosis like a catalyst and is time the Canadian Government conceptualize and support and advance the two sectors to maximize benefit into the lives of children and youth.